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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Talking on the phone?

So it looks like Laney is chatting away on her phone right? WRONG! Poor baby had been sick and had an ear infection for who knows how long. So what looks like a sweet conversation is actually INTENSE ear tugging. :(

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Lately I haven't been sleeping well. A season in life for this momma. We have lots going on at our house: selling our house, house hunting for a home in California, figuring out what I need to get rid of (we've been in Cheyenne for 5 years...translation-we have accumulated a lot of CRAP!), trying to plan what life is going to be like while Jim is away at school for a few months, oh and my favorite-planning a birthday party for Laney.

Needless to say my brain is racing ALL THE TIME! I have succumbed to browsing the Internet at night, telling myself that it will make me tired. False! All it does is keep me awake. While in my browsing tonight, I came across a blog about a family that only had 26 days with their precious daughter. 26 days, I can't imagine!

So tonight I am grateful for
-my puffy eyes
-the extra cup (POT) of coffee in the morning
-the to do list that never ends
but most of all I am grateful for my husband who remains calm in all our "plans" and for my sweet HEALTHY baby girl.

Thank you Lord for my very blessed life!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

David's Graduation

Happy Girl sitting in her own chair for the ceremony.

David and Amy

There ceremony was long and Laney was T.I.R.E.D.! We changed her into her jammies so that when we drove the hour home we didn't have to change her.

Congrats to David for Graduating from law school and getting an MBA at the same time!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

My First Mother's Day:

Laney woke up at 7:30-Thank you sweet baby!

Jim handed me my sweet baby and cards in bed-Laney's card was signed by her...PRECIOUS!

Spent some time with family at my second favorite place, Granny's house (second to MY Momma's house)

Went to church and lunch with family

All of this was possible because of my sweet momma. She prayed desperately for me the moment I was born. She prayed for me, my spouse, and everything in between. She is the BEST person I know. She is my mother, mentor and best friend!

I love you Terri Smith!

Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Great Grandparents

I have become my mother when it comes to taking pictures. I have come to appreciate the need of a photo every time we get together with loved ones. That being said, here is a pic of Laney with Gran and Grandad, just cause...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dinner with the big kids

So Jim and I still struggle with eating before Laney goes to sleep. She is in bed by 730 and Jim's schedule changes so much it makes it hard to plan a dinner time. That being said a few weeks ago we were in Denver visiting family and Laney was able to join us for dinner.

Sharing with Daddy

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Longstreet is a restaurant in Gainsville, GA that is a must visit! They have everything a good southern restaurant should have. Including fat it, I can't describe it!

Laney and some gravy!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Hanks Birthday

The main reason (other than getting out of the cold) for Laney and I going to GA was for Hank's birthday. Julie out-did herself of course. The theme was Choo Choo Hank Is 2!

Smoochin Hank!

Laney slept thru most of the party. I did wake her up so that we could get some cute pics of the kids in there overalls.
