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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Missing Daddy

Laney in her Daddy's car.

Jim isn't deployed and in harms way but that doesn't make it easier for his girls. We miss him! Just a note to say we miss the world's best daddy and can't wait to see him in a few weeks!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Big Girl

Before our drive to NM from Wyoming we turned Laney forward facing. This was the first time in her new seat. Yes she looks under the weather. Poor baby had a fever of 102 and was ( and still is) getting molars. She loves to look out and see what is going on, and of course play silly games with Momma while she's at stop lights of course ;)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Jims Aunt Faye

Laney LOVED Aunt Faye! She would belly laugh her heart out for her. It was so fun to watch. And after all the fun, she snuggled up in Aunt Faye's lap and had her bottle.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Cousins...well their daddies are so that means we are of some sort.

During the anniversary weekend Laney got to meet some of her Okie family. Jim's cousin Jake has two boys (Laney is the only girl cousin on both sides of our families), we were excited to introduce her. They had lots of fun, and we look forward to another reunion again.

The boys wanted to make sure Jim did a good job of bathing Laney

Jim and Jake made dinner for everyone Friday night. It was delicious!

Love naked babies in a tub!

That's right folks, there are 5 people in the bathroom NOT including the kids :)

Don't worry, the dads have it under control!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

60 Years!

Fourth of July weekend we went to Denver to celebrate Gran and Grandad's 60th wedding anniversary! They were surrounded with ALL of their children, gran kids and great grand kids! It was a great weekend.

Thank you for the amazing example you have been to us all!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Grandma comes to babysit

Finally posting again! Sorry for the delay, we have been BUSY! I have lots of events to catch up on so bear with me.

At the end of June Mom and Dean came up to help babysit for a few AF functions we had going on. Jim was the M.C. for the Wing Commander's Retirement Ceremony. He did GREAT! Pics to come when I get them from Public Affairs. Until then here are a few of mom and Laney getting into trouble :)

Up until a week ago Laney refused to be held or snuggled while eating. She would only let my mom. I am so glad she finally let me in on some snuggle time!